He came to me in the night, a cruel, darkly handsome stranger from the most dangerous corners of Russia. He tormented me and destroyed me, ripping apart my world in his quest for vengeance.
Now he's back, but he’s no longer after my secrets.
The man who stars in my nightmares wants me.
Now he's back, but he’s no longer after my secrets.
The man who stars in my nightmares wants me.
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

How could waterboarding and forcible injections turn into love? I was held captive by this story because I NEEDED to know how the author would turn things around. And it may have not been what I expected, but it was no less intriguing as it unfolded.
I got a little tired of Sara…

I couldn’t get enough of Peter…

And more Peter...

Although this book wasn’t as dark as I thought it would be, I still liked it. It had enough suspense and drama to keep things lively. Number one reason: I loved me some Peter! My heart nearly broke for him when reading about the tragic events in his past, but this man took his pain and turned it into vengeance. And I loved him for it! Peter damn well owned me. I couldn’t let go of him and I’m so grateful that there’s another book to come that will let me indulge in my stalker-psycho-sexiness fantasy!

Release Date: March 28, 2017
Genre: Dark Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Heat: 3.5 out of 5
Type: Book 1 of the Tormentor Mine series
Publisher: Mozaika Publications
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